Wednesday 25 February 2009


So... I decided I should make a blog, don't ask me why though cause I couldn't answer that :p there'll probably be like 2 people reading this but still.
First of all, who am I? Well I'm a 19 year old Belgian girl, very boring, I'm studying applied (German, English, Dutch and Spanish) linguistics at artesis in Antwerp. I can also speak French and a teeny tiny bit of Russian but I've forgotten most of that. I'm not planning on being an actual translator or interpreter, I'd much rather teach, preferably Dutch or German.
In the bit of spare time I've got after all the homework I like to make jewelry, sculpt a bit (although I'm nowhere near good at that), I like to make soap from time to time, bake all sorts of things, read, write, sing, randomly hit some piano keys, pimp some shirts, do some archery (when my shoulder isn't being an ass), run the Amanda Somerville Fanclub together with Emily or make VoD merch. Just now do I realise how much hobbies I've got xD
What will I post here? A bit of everything really, it'll depend on what I feel like posting. At the moment it'll mainly be stuff about my frustration about school and not having much spare time but there'll also be some of my writing, jewelry, soap,...
I think that's about it, if you've got any questions just let me know :)

Best wishes


1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading this Tessa-awesome blog \o/
