Monday 18 May 2009

Do you know the muffin man?

I sure do and saturday when I was in Drury Lane for a visit he gave me all his secret recipes :]

Okay, maybe it didn't exactly go like that but I did bake muffins! everyone who knows me will agree that I get pretty stressed in the weeks leading up to exams (which is now basically) and today I got to a point where I annoyed myself so something needed to be done. Baking!
Not one but two kinds of muffins ^^ The top ones are with rhubarb and the bottom ones with melocakes. Now I'm not a big rhubarb fan normally but these muffins are absolutely heavenly!


  1. They look awesome. Now I wanna eat muffins.
    You should teach me how ot bake them :P

  2. I tought we were going to bake them?


